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Hey there, fellow comic enthusiasts! Or maybe you’re a fan of Japan? Whatever your cup of tea may be, strap-in, zip-up and get ready for a ride – this blog is about both!

Who’s blog is this?

My name is Darryl Knickrehm, comic artist for Simulation Theory, Feeder, The Argus; writer/illustrator of The Immortal Resurrected, Lost Souls: Haywire; and full time gaijin. You can call me Darryl, or what people call me around this neck of the woods: Dariru. That’s because I live in Japan. Yep, I’m that guy. The one who went away to explore another country (Japan specifically) and never came back. I’m originally from the sunny shores of Orange County, California, but somehow found myself calling Japan home. How did I end up here, you ask? Well, grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated diuretic and settle in, because it’s a story filled with twists, turns, and a loooot of self-discovery.


Who am I? What a question. Can any of us really answer that? Well the only thing I know is that I’m one big walking paradox. I like nerdy things but I’m not 100% a nerd. I love stories about sports but don’t like sports. I revere spirituality but hate religion. I’m quiet but I’ve got a lot to say. I want to be Nine Inch Nails but know I’m Blink 182. I’m respectful but at heart irreverent. I’m cheerful but filled with anxiety. See. One big contradiction. As clear as a brick wall. But the one thing that will become clear after reading some of this blog: I don’t give up (heck, I even wear a necklace that quote’s Churchill’s famous “never, never, never give up”).

Dariru aka Darryl Knickrehm. Drawn to Japan. Comic Artist. 20-year Expat
After a decade of living in Japan… the realization hit me like a ton of bricks – I might just be in Japan for the long haul.

Japan and Comics

I’ve been hanging out in Japan for a cool two decades now. Two decades?! Twenty years! 7305 days! Holy crap! How did that happen? I guess time flies when you’re busy exploring a whole new world, right? Speaking of which, that’s precisely why I packed my bags and headed East in the first place – to explore. During my days in film school (we’ll get into that later), I got my first taste of Japan. After graduation I wanted to fully explore the fascinating place. Once I got there, I just never left.

An actual photo of me in film school.

And what about comics? Well, my journey funnily enough didn’t start in Japan (or even with wanting to make comics). No sir, it began back in film school (told you we’d get into it), where I dreamt of becoming the next big filmmaker. I’ve been a storyteller at heart since I was knee-high, always itching to share my tales visually, so I went to Chapman University and studied film production. And even after going to Japan I had every intention to be that great filmmaker. Fast forward through a decade of crafting short films and organizing a film festival (something we’ll get into one of these days), I had the dream of a feature film dancing in my head. Sadly, I never got the big break, never got noticed from my short films, and my dreams of becoming the next Christopher Nolan seemed to just slip away.

But you know what they say about life – it has a way of surprising you when you least expect it. After a decade of living in Japan, teaching English by day (oh boy, we’ll get into this later), and chasing that elusive film dream at night, I found myself tying the knot. Suddenly, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks – I might just be in Japan for the long haul. That, coupled with the revelation that my not-so-chatty personality wasn’t making the necessary connections in the film industry, led to a change in plans. Enter the world of comics.

Now, I’ve always had a thing for doodling. Drawing was my escape as a youth, my quiet sanctuary in a world that sometimes felt too loud. And I loved comics, even drawing my own funny books as a wee tot. Yet, it wasn’t until my late twenties, and after creating an online science fiction magazine (yet another thing we’ll get to one day), that I thought, “Hey, maybe I could do this for real.” Career change initiated.

“I got my pencil. Bring it!”
So, what’s this blog about, you ask? Well, it’s a little slice of my life in Japan and a whole lot about drawing comics.

Only the beginning

Who is Dariru? AI generated image

Fast forward six years, and here I am, knee-deep in the world of comics. Well, not really. I’m still a nobody who can’t get his foot in the door. But I’m kicking at them and think I’ve left my mark on a few! And I’m still in Japan. In addition to being married, I now have a son, with another wee one on the way. Life is good, or well, I’d like to say that. But truth be told, life has it’s ups and it has a it’s downs (quite a few of those) and we do the best with what we’ve got. But just like everyone out there, I’m looking for a way to catch that dream. We’ll see if it ever happens.

So, what’s this blog about, you ask? Well, it’s a little slice of my life in Japan and a whole lot about drawing comics. I’m no big shot, and I’m pretty certain I’ll never be one. But hey, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, and maybe, just maybe, sharing those blunders can help someone out there navigate a better path. Because I’ve been at this a long time. And I’ve tried pretty much every form of storytelling under the sun (you’ll see that soon enough), and have yet to find my home. Hopefully through my ups and downs, my adventure through Japan and through comics, you can find a shortcut to find your own place on this blue marble we call Earth.

So, buckle up, my friends! We’re in for a ride through the wilds of Japan and the crazy world of comic creation. Let’s make some mistakes together and see where this adventure takes us.


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*I don’t use AI for my artwork. These filler images are just for fun and aren’t meant to represent my art so they have been labeled “AI GENERATED.” I want my blog to be enjoyable for you but I don’t have 2-6 hours to draw each image (this blog is done in my free time). If you’re against AI in art, please direct your criticism elsewhere (maybe someone trying to pass off AI generated images as their art). I am not doing that.


Comments (1)

I love this line! “Let’s make some mistakes together and see where this adventure takes us.” Lead on, Dariru!

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