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Drawn to Japan logo. Comic Artist. drawn by Darryl Knickrehm

PROLOGUE: Who Is Dariru?

My name is Darryl Knickrehm, comic artist and full time ‘gaijin.’ I’m originally from the sunny shores of Orange County, California, but somehow found myself calling Japan home. How did I end up here, you ask? Well, grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated diuretic and settle in, because it’s a story filled with twists, turns, and a loooot of self-discovery.

Life as a Comic Artist 1 – Starting Out

So you’re thinking about diving into the comic world, huh? Buckle up, my friend, because this rollercoaster ride is wild, bumpy, and full of surprises! Working in the comic industry has been an eye-opener. It’s a journey that’s not for the faint of heart, but hey, all rollercoasters have their ups and downs. So get ready for a ride!

BEHIND THE SCENES 1 – The Immortal Resurrected

Gather around, fellow comic book fans, and prepare yourself for the latest entry in my saga of creating comics. And like a lot of stories these days, we’re going to start at the end (got to have a good Frame Story to see where this is all going). Today I’ll take you on a journey through the genesis of my latest comic, The Immortal Resurrected. Make sure your oxygen tank is full, because we’re about to embark on a space odyssey that spans my entire comic artist career.

MAKING COMICS: Why not draw manga?

Hey there, fellow comic enthusiasts! It’s me again, your trusty guide through the wonderful world of drawing comics. So, I bet some of you are scratching your heads and wondering, “Hey, you’re in Japan, why aren’t you drawing manga?” Great question! Buckle up, because today’s entry is all about that.

MAKING COMICS: Finding a Publisher

Hey there, fellow creators and comic enthusiasts! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet where I spill the beans on all things comics. Today, I’m diving into the perilous world of finding a publisher. So, grab your pens, paper, and maybe a stress ball, because we’re about to embark into the wild world of publishing.

2023 – A Year in Review

Hey there, fellow comic enthusiasts and Japan lovers! Can you believe we’re wrapping up 2023 already? Time really does fly when you’re juggling a million things at once, and let me tell you, this year has been nothing short of a Rubenstein’s Revenge. So get ready for some an epic juggle of Odyssean proportions, because here’s 2023 in review – Drawn to Japan style.

2024 – A Map to the Future

Hey there, fans of Japan and comic enthusiasts! Today is a new year! 2024 to be exact. And this year I’m NOT starting of with any New Year’s resolutions. How’s that for a twist? That doesn’t mean I don’t want to get a lot done this year. I’m just going to go about doing it different than I normally do.

MAKING COMICS: A Day in the Life of a Comic Artist

Hey there, fellow art enthusiasts! Ever wondered what it’s like to step into the shoes of an artist (or more specifically, a comic artist)? Well, today’s your day, because I’m about to spill the beans on my daily art adventure. Now, keep in mind that every artist dances to the beat of their own pencil, and my routine might be as unique as the characters I draw, but hey, now’s your chance to see behind the curtain.

MAKING COMICS: Learning to Draw

Today we’re going to talk about drawing, without which comics would be… well… books. I’m going to tackle questions like: what does someone need to know to draw comics? What does someone need to get better at drawing? And a lot more. Because you don’t need to be an ‘artist’ to be able to draw. I believe drawing is a skill that you can learn. And here are 4 skills to focus on.

Life as a Comic Artist 4 – Battling Toxicity

Hey there,fellow adventurers of the digital realm! Now, imagine this – you’re cruising along on the high-speed internet highway, sharing your artistic escapades, when out of the digital shadows emerges a troll, ready to turn your creative haven into a battleground. It’s an all-to-common experience, one I just talked about. It’s something everyone seems to live with nowadays, but this toxicity is even more detrimental to creative types (aka artists). So today we’re going to talk about that.

Life as a Comic Artist 5 – Mastering Doubt

Welcome, comic fans and fellow architects of imaginary realms! The life of an artist isn’t always a bed of roses. It’s a profession that is rife with inner turmoil. Maybe that’s why artists are often shown as having a screw loose and author’s are often portrayed as drunks – they grapple with a lot of inner demons. And today we’re going to talk about the artist’s arch-nemesis, the king of all inner demons – self-doubt.

BEHIND THE SCENES 2 – Simulation Theory

Hey fellow comic enthusiasts! Today, I’m diving into the exhilarating journey behind my collaboration with Curt Pires on Simulation Theory. Let me tell you, it’s been a blast traversing the realms of virtual reality and artistic collaboration. So strap in and let’s take a trip down the digital rabbit hole!