Mastering doubt. AI generated.

16 Feb: Life as a Comic Artist 5 – Mastering Doubt

Welcome, comic fans and fellow architects of imaginary realms! The life of an artist isn’t always a bed of roses. It’s a profession that is rife with inner turmoil. Maybe that’s why artists are often shown as having a screw loose and author’s are often portrayed as drunks – they grapple with a lot of inner demons. And today we’re going to talk about the artist’s arch-nemesis, the king of all inner demons – self-doubt.

Toxicity. AI generated

02 Feb: Life as a Comic Artist 4 – Battling Toxicity

Hey there,fellow adventurers of the digital realm! Now, imagine this – you’re cruising along on the high-speed internet highway, sharing your artistic escapades, when out of the digital shadows emerges a troll, ready to turn your creative haven into a battleground. It’s an all-to-common experience, one I just talked about. It’s something everyone seems to live with nowadays, but this toxicity is even more detrimental to creative types (aka artists). So today we’re going to talk about that.


26 Jan: MAKING COMICS: Learning to Draw

Today we’re going to talk about drawing, without which comics would be… well… books. I’m going to tackle questions like: what does someone need to know to draw comics? What does someone need to get better at drawing? And a lot more. Because you don’t need to be an ‘artist’ to be able to draw. I believe drawing is a skill that you can learn. And here are 4 skills to focus on.


12 Jan: MAKING COMICS: A Day in the Life of a Comic Artist

Hey there, fellow art enthusiasts! Ever wondered what it’s like to step into the shoes of an artist (or more specifically, a comic artist)? Well, today’s your day, because I’m about to spill the beans on my daily art adventure. Now, keep in mind that every artist dances to the beat of their own pencil, and my routine might be as unique as the characters I draw, but hey, now’s your chance to see behind the curtain.


29 Dec: 2023 – A Year in Review

Hey there, fellow comic enthusiasts and Japan lovers! Can you believe we’re wrapping up 2023 already? Time really does fly when you’re juggling a million things at once, and let me tell you, this year has been nothing short of a Rubenstein’s Revenge. So get ready for some an epic juggle of Odyssean proportions, because here’s 2023 in review – Drawn to Japan style.